Saturday 1 December 2012

Quick Limoncello Liqueur

This quick limoncello recipe only takes a week to make,
and can be drunk straight away.
Multiply the quantities and make as gifts for friends.

makes just over 1 litre

1 kg very fresh lemons
700 ml vodka (normal proof)
300 ml water
100g sugar

1.  Zest the lemons, making sure not to include any pith. 

2.  Put zest in a jar with vodka and let stand in the dark for a week, making sure you shake the jar at least twice a day.

3.  Strain the liquid and discard the zest.

4.  In a saucepan over a low heat, heat the water and sugar until the sugar dissolves and the syrup is clear. Allow to cool to room temperature.

5.  Mix sugar syrup with infused alcohol. Strain the liquid through a coffee filter for a clear liqueur. 

6.  Bottle and label. (I put it back in the original vodka bottle, with the labels removed... this leaves some over for the cook... ;-)

Serve very cold, straight from the freezer.

Cook's Note:  I juice the lemons after zesting and use the juice in whisky or brandy sours... If you're good, you could freeze it in icecube trays to use in other recipes.

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